Semen coicis (Coix seed)

Bild vom Semen Coicis

Semen Coicis belongs to the Gramineae, or grass family.

It has a rather cold thermal behaviour and tastes sweet; its effects are reductive.
It has a feedback circuit relationship with orbis lienalis, stomachi, pulmonalis and rinalis.
The diuretic effect in the treatment of edemas and water accumulations in the body is of outstanding significance.

In addition to that, Semen coices is capable of cooling heat processes (cold thermal behaviour) and is also used in the treatment of purulent disorders.

Semen coicis is also crucially significant in the treatment of rheumatism. According to traditional Chinese notions, rheumatological disorders are among the bisyndromes and, thanks to traditional Chinese therapy, are often extremely successful healers.
Semen coicis is contained in, for example, the semen coicis decoction Yi Yi Ren Tang.

Praxisurlaub 2024/2025

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