Biofeedback treatment

As a treatment method, biofeedback training is indicated particularly in the treatment of headaches (migraine and tension-related headaches) and inner restlessness and nervousness.

A sensor measures the muscle tension, the electrical activity in the brain or the blood vessels.

The results are displayed on a screen.

The patient, under professional instruction, then trains to improve these readings by influencing the vegetative nervous system, e.g. by using breathing technique.

Later on, the patient will be able to influence his pains positively by carrying out these exercises autonomously and regulating his own vegetative nervous system, even without the help of any apparatus.

Biofeedback is used particularly for the following disorders:

  1. Tension-related headaches
  2. Migraine
  3. Other chronic pain syndromes
  4. Nervousness, anxiety
  5. Sleep disorders

The cost of biofeedback therapy is not borne by the public health insurance funds.

Praxisurlaub 2024/2025

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