Autorenname: Kira Hagen

Biofeedback treatment

As a treatment method, biofeedback training is indicated particularly in the treatment of headaches (migraine and tension-related headaches) and inner restlessness and nervousness. A sensor measures the muscle tension, the electrical activity in the brain or the blood vessels. The results are displayed on a screen. The patient, under professional instruction, then trains to improve these readings

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 In Norderstedt I have already given many lectures on the subject of strokes – “How dangerous are they really?” – at the health fair and other public events. Recognising the risk of strokes at an early stage is a particular concern of mine, since it makes swift therapeutic treatment possible and holds out the chance that the

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Individual stress management programme

Many sensibility disorders can be attributed to an increase in stress. These are referred to as stress-related disorders. They include a host of sensibility disorders, a state of depressive exhaustion, sleep disorders, headaches and other pain syndromes. In an individual talk with the doctor, the stressors are analysed and an individual treatment plan for stress management is

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Brain-fit check

Older people often fear an early form of Alzheimer’s disease. They notice that they have recently become unusually forgetful or absent-minded. By that we do not mean normal forgetfulness, which may increase with advancing age and often has to be distinguished from a lack of concentration. In a precautionary check, we ascertain whether or not

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Ihr Praxisteam der Praxis Dr. Stahl und Dr. Zimmermann