Autorenname: Kira Hagen


Almost every second German suffers from chronic or acute backache. The root cause of acute or chronic backache is often a neurological disorder. Backache has its origins not only in the bone structure, or spinal column, but also in disorders affecting nerve structures. The range of causes is complex: Backache is a neurological problem when illness […]

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Qui Gong

Medicinal QI GONG is one of the five main pillars of treatment according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It consists of specific exercise disciplines that any person can learn to manage his or her own health care. The teachings of QI GONG can be traced back more than 2000 years. Translated literally, QI GONG means the care

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Tuina massage

TUINA is one of the five main pillars of traditional Chinese medicine. TUINA therapists are extensively trained doctors who practise Chinese medicine and learn the TUINA therapy method in accordance with the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine. When administering treatment, the therapist locates meridian blockades and treats QI stagnations. The main acupuncture paths are treated with

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Montag 8:00 - 12:30 und 14:30 - 17:30 Uhr

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Ihr Praxisteam der Praxis Dr. Stahl und Dr. Zimmermann