Autorenname: Kira Hagen

Fructus gardeniae (Chinese cape jasmine fruit)

Fructus gardeniae belong to the Rubiacea family (madder plants). They are used primarily for disorders based on processes of becoming hot. Fructus gardeniae are used to treat disorders including fever accompanied by restlessness, insomnia, boils and ulcers, painful bladder dysfunctions and nosebleeds.It is referred to as a cooling medicine (Refrigerantium caloris intimae) Fructus gardenia are

Fructus gardeniae (Chinese cape jasmine fruit) Read More »

Semen trichosantis (Trichosanthes seeds) and Fructus trichosantis (Trichosanthes fruit)

Semen trichosantis (Trichosanthes seeds) and Fructus trichosantis (Trichosanthes fruit) Trichosantis belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family (pumpkin plants) In traditional Chinese medicine it has enormous significance in the treatment of disorders for which Calor pituitae (hot mucus) has to be transformed.The Western indication fields are: Trichosanthes seeds and fruit are contained in remedies such as Bei

Semen trichosantis (Trichosanthes seeds) and Fructus trichosantis (Trichosanthes fruit) Read More »