Herbal therapy in Chinese medicine (TCM)

Individual formulation based on the previously created diagnosis

Kräutertherapie in der Chinesischen Medizin (TCM)

Herbal therapy is one of the most effective and important forms of therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It has a very long tradition in China and has been refined and developed by TCM therapists and doctors over thousands of years.

There are over 5000 known herbs and Chinese medicines. Of these, only about 500 are used in Europe. We adapt each formula individually to your needs in order to achieve an optimal effect. The duration of administration depends on the type and severity of your disease.

The various herbs of Chinese medicine

In addition, there are also a large number of Western medicines, which can not all be mentioned here. They can also positively influence and heal disease processes. Western herbs include, for example:

Currently, much scientific research is being done on how Western herbs can be used in conjunction with traditional Chinese medicines. This is a big task area for science in the next century.

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Praxisurlaub 2024/2025

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