IGEL = individual healthcare in neurology and psychiatry

This refers to the range of treatment offered by our surgery in the fields of neurology and psychiatry, and in the physiatrics field. There may, of course, also be additional medical wishes.

Dear Patient,

These days, many more people than before are taking care of their health.

Patients are demanding additional medical care that is not paid for by the statutory health insurance funds.

This additional care is not contained in the catalogue offered by the statutory health insurance funds. For this reason, the doctor is not allowed to render these additional services on the basis of the patient’s chip card.

This, however, does not mean that we withhold these individual medical services from you.

Medicine has made rapid progress over the last few decades.

This means that we can do more for our health than the public health insurance schemes will pay for.

Health means not just the absence of sickness; it also unites the whole spectrum of social, psychological, physical and mental well-being.

Individual wishes, however, must be paid for privately by patients and are not allowed to place a burden on that part of the social security system represented by the statutory health insurance funds.

The Federal Association of Panel Doctors (KBV) and the Association of German Neurologists and Psychiatrists (BVDN) have compiled a selection of individual healthcare services for patients suffering from neurological or psychiatric syndromes.

What do these individual healthcare services (referred to below as IGEL services) consist of?

IGEL services are

  • not paid for by the statutory health insurance funds,
  • are very useful medically,
  • often aid prophylaxis before serious disorders,
  • are nevertheless regarded as uneconomic by the public health insurance funds,
  • can be highly recommended from a medical point of view and
  • are rendered at the request of the patient.
  • IGEL healthcare services are invoiced in accordance with the Scale of Medical Fees (GOÄ).

Ultrasonic examination of the cerebral vessels by means of directional and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography = Doppler ultrasonography and transcranial Doppler ultrasonography.

Many people would like to know whether they have an inherent risk of strokes (cf. Strokes), even if they have not yet suffered from transient circulatory disorders of the brain.

Besides a family predisposition towards strokes, the risk factors include smoking, increased blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and lack of exercise.

These risk factors lead to premature changes in the blood vessels that involve the formation of deposits and thickening on the inside of the vessel walls and can thus lead to premature vasoconstriction.

The brain-supplying vessels and coronary vessels are particularly affected by this process.

These constrictions of the cerebral vessels can also be present without the patient ever having had warning symptoms of a stroke.

The early diagnosis of so-called stenoses of the vessels that supply the brain makes swift action possible. Surgical or medicinal therapy for this vasoconstriction or vascular arteriosclerosis is the necessary consequence.

In addition to that, the risk factors must be treated.

Doppler_ultrasonography for the arteries supplying the brain and Doppler ultrasonography as a preventive examination for the brain-supplying vessels are not part of the treatment covered by the statutory health insurance funds – the health insurance funds do not regard them as necessary or economical.

The early recognition of an angiopathy of the brain-supplying vessels can, however, prevent the occurrence of strokes, with all of their unpleasant consequences (severe hemiplegia, loss of speech, etc.) (See Strokes).