Radix puerariae (Kudzuvine root)

Bild der Kopoubohnenwurzel

Pueraria belongs to the Leguminosae family (peas and beans).

By and large, Pueraria is assigned to the group of surface-opening medicines.

It has relations with Orbis lienalis and Orbis stomachi and is capable of dissolving bodily tissue. Pueraria is used very frequently in the treatment of tenseness, headaches, hardening of the muscles, stiffness of the neck, etc. It also supports and accelerates the recovery and healing process in the case of feverish and infectious disorders.
Recently this medicine has also been used in the treatment of arterial hypertonus. The pathogenesis of the hypertonus follows special traditional Chinese laws that cannot be explained in detail here.
Pueraria is contained in, for example, the Cinicifuga and Pueraria decoction (in Chinese, Sheng Ma Ge Geng).

Praxisurlaub 2024/2025

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